Monday 9 March 2009

Hayao Miyazaki is BACK / aaaah Its just TOO cute, aint it!?

Ponyo on the cliff by the sea

A young baby fish girl pursues her dream to become a human girl, on her journey to achieve her dream she befriends a 5 year old human boy Sōsuke (who she probably falls in love with, dirty little fish).

Directed by Hayao Miyazaki co-founder of studio Ghibli, the anime power house, and creators of the animated masterpieces "Spirited away", "Princess Mononoke" to name only two out of a collection of Loads.

This post is dedicated to Artys Eunie. She absolutely loves fish people, mutant, hybrid stories. gotta love her.

1 comment:

  1. ponyo~!!!! Teehee it's so cute! I want to watch that film!!
    Awwwwww, I feel like he ripped my idea off from me!!!! I came up with the fish people first!!!
