Thursday 19 March 2009

"why is it possible to see beauty in all things"

Is there a god?

Ive seen photographers step through shit, and filth to take pictures of the most dull, and uninspiring scenes.

And I've seen giant photographs hanging in frames over bedheads of bedroom walls depicting the most dull and uninspiring scenes, but at the same time captures something inexplicable, something that the eye isn't seeing but what my soul feels, captivated in wonder, i stare.

this is not to say that beauty is easier experienced through the eyes of others, or photographs, I'm simply saying, its there, its everywhere, it just depends on how our awareness perceives it.

When i speak of beauty, i speak of the connection the word implies. the emotions that are generated. we deliver stories of Beauty when we are infected by warmth, serenity, and contentedness, we deliver stories of beauty when our hearts are touched by the hands of ...? can this really be true?

if beauty exist in all, and beauty is an energy we feel, then you could say the energy of all, is one. And oneness, is all. And maybe say even "God is"


  1. I didnt think I would say this but maybe possibly there is a bit of me which agrees to the connection to God or something... a more powerful thing....but wat that is.....

    I ask myself questions to try and find a different answer from what you say but each question seems to be answered in what you wrote.

    Maybe God does exisit....I never thought I would say that (It scares me but I don't know why)I can understand it but i just don't feel it even though i feel what you say.

  2. I believe that God does exist...because Faith isn't based on emotion. Even if I am unhappy or doubtful with life, no one can stop me from believing in God.

    Some people stop believing in God because they've seen the ugly side of the world.

    Without pain and imperfections, we can never truly see beauty through our heart. That's just my opinion though. Ugliness is needed as a contrast to reflect beauty.

    If everything is beautiful, how would we know if something is truly "beautiful"?

    Beauty is everywhere =) We just have to stop and look around =D
