Sunday 10 May 2009


GAY = SIN from Matthew Brown on Vimeo.

VIA: dropular

This video touched me a little bit.
i remember a conversation i once had with friend about Homosexuality. At the time my argument was that i thought it was wrong because it goes against what is natural to humans which is to reproduce, but i had no hate towards those who were gay. i remember my friend saying 'gays have been apart of the human race since forever, so how how can it be wrong, or bad, or a sin'. I replied 'so has murder'....This conversation was around 3 years ago i was 19 at the time. Today i see things more in Grey, and tend not to necessarily put things and behavior into white and black boxes of rite and wrong. But what i have learnt is that we all have our own ways, desire's, and attitudes, and there aren't enough rules in the world to constrain them....

There are some things that even my closest friends get up to that i don't agree with. As humans we share likes and dislikes, but sometimes we don't. There are no rules to say we should all be the same..............Its interesting that it seems allot of the time to be our motivation within society- to persuade others into our own ways of thinking.

1 comment:

  1. interesting reading this after hearing you speaking about it the other day, reading what you said..i really like what you write about right and wrong it not being black and white but grey.xx
