Tuesday, 31 March 2009
brush music
1. Once you've entered the site wait for the loading to finish.
2. keep an eye out for the load percentage icon at the bottom center of screen.
3. When ready click play
Monday, 30 March 2009
DATAFLUX 0.1 from Kit Webster on Vimeo.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Paulo Coelho Gaurdian interview
The Winner Stands Alone is your 12th novel. You describe it as "a stark portrait of where we are now". What you do mean by that?
I wrote it in February last year, before this [financial] collapse. We have lost contact with reality, the simplicity of life. This book is about how we complicate our lives and how our dreams are manipulated.
Your most successful book, The Alchemist, has sold 30m copies.
More than that. I think it's 35m. All together my books have sold 150m copies. You can add another 20% for pirated editions.
Is it true you wrote it in four weeks?
Two weeks. Yes. The book was already written in my soul.
When it first came out it was dropped by the publisher. Then what happened?
It was not dropped by the publisher. It was published, it did not sell, and then the publisher said, "This book is never going to sell" - which was worse than to be dropped. At least then you think, "Oh, I'll find another publisher." This way, when you go to another publisher they say, "Well, it was published and nobody's interested." However, I was so convinced it was a great book that I started knocking on doors. [Now] The Alchemist is the most translated book by a living author.
Do you really believe in angels?
Have you seen one?
No, I never saw an angel, but it is irrelevant whether I saw one or not. I feel their presence around me. Not the classic angel with the wings etc, but you know that you are protected. This has nothing to do with esoteric things, it is your attitude towards life. When you are enthusiastic about what you do, you feel this positive energy. It's very simple. Everything is possible, from angels to demons to economists and politicians.
Some say your books have changed their lives; others are quite snobby about your work. Why is it so divisive?
This is not something I ever thought about. When I write a book I write a book for myself; the reaction is up to the reader. It's not my business whether people like or dislike it.
Do the critics hurt you?
No. Writers are lampposts and critics are dogs. Ask lampposts what they think about dogs. Does the dog hurt the lamppost?
How do you describe your books? Are they self-help?
No, I am not a self-help writer. I am a self-problem writer. When people read my books I provoke some things. I cannot justify my work. I do my work; it is up to them to classify it, to judge.
Some people see you as a guru. Do you accept that?
Of course not.
Is it flattering?
No. It's totally out of reality.
Are you a political writer?
Everybody is a political person, whether you say something or you are silent. A political attitude is not whether you go to parliament, it's how you deal with your life, with your surroundings. I am at least giving the readers the sense they are not alone. But instead of trying to answer the question, "What is the meaning of life?" I try to give some meaning to my life.
When you were 17 your parents had you committed to an asylum.
Yes, three times, and also I was in jail three times, but I never saw myself as a victim. This is part of my journey. My parents wanted me to follow their dreams, not my dreams, and the simple fact that I didn't accept that does not make me a criminal or an outcast. I thought, "One day I will write about it," and I did. I wrote Veronica Decides to Die, and the book was about this: accept your differences and this is how you make a difference.
Those experiences could make someone very angry and very politicised.
The jail experience did not make me angry. It made me scared. But that is worse - when you are angry, you react; when you are scared, you don't react, you just accept. It took me many years to overcome this fear, but time heals everything, love includedVia: Paulo Coelho's blog
Friday, 27 March 2009
Thursday, 26 March 2009
McDonalds the great
hunger can mess a guy up.
It'll warp you into something new, a mutant singing, pixie n.e.r.d.
I don't think I've ever been that hungry
via: Bossip
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
the thoughts of things
you have merely been afraid of the thoughts of things.....
By the Grave side
Grandmothers grave:
Me and an uncle from my dads side of the family, together clean then add and arrange flowers to my grand mothers tomb stone.
My uncle said "things have changed so much...life is hard..Life aint no joke".
I replied "Hmmmm".
But what he said left my mouth with the most bitter of tastes.
as he began with more morning moans of melancholy tones, i knelt above the slightly twisting, sinking earth of the grave, continued to place the flowers in a yellow and white assortment, wishing my uncle would leave. as i wasn't there to morn. i didn't know why i was there, maybe my reasons for being at the cemetery were to be alone, away from life.
I thought to myself; why do parents teach the innocent that life is hard, painful, troublesome. injecting doubt into kids. But they never teach you that lifes worth living.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Friday, 20 March 2009
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Profile: Aaron Noble
Artist Profile: Aaron Noble from By Osmosis TV on Vimeo.
Temporary Printing Machine Limited Edition from rAndom International on Vimeo.
pinched from by rAndom International @ vimeo
Paper cuts
Some people are just really good at cutting up bits of paper
The Seed from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.
Making of 'The Seed' from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.
Johnny Kelly - Showreel September 2007 from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.
big people must have fun in the shower, it would be crazy if this video came with actual recorded cellulite sound effects. wish i could be fat for a day...hahaa look at him go!
Blamma! Blamma! - Collide Sparks from Christopher Hewitt on Vimeo.
"why is it possible to see beauty in all things"
Is there a god?
Ive seen photographers step through shit, and filth to take pictures of the most dull, and uninspiring scenes.
And I've seen giant photographs hanging in frames over bedheads of bedroom walls depicting the most dull and uninspiring scenes, but at the same time captures something inexplicable, something that the eye isn't seeing but what my soul feels, captivated in wonder, i stare.this is not to say that beauty is easier experienced through the eyes of others, or photographs, I'm simply saying, its there, its everywhere, it just depends on how our awareness perceives it.
When i speak of beauty, i speak of the connection the word implies. the emotions that are generated. we deliver stories of Beauty when we are infected by warmth, serenity, and contentedness, we deliver stories of beauty when our hearts are touched by the hands of ...? can this really be true?
if beauty exist in all, and beauty is an energy we feel, then you could say the energy of all, is one. And oneness, is all. And maybe say even "God is"
Cancer sticks, grey lungs, and sex
the funny thing is i find it hard being with gurls who smoke
pics from Le Smoking
Dirty pretty things
reminds me of when i was a kid, u know, trying to pull off the most mischievous act possible. wear nothing but my foreskin, and get my "you know what" misplaced, and rendered irretrievable. Exciting. aaaaah the life of a kid..Nah but seriously dont these pics just remind you of when you were little, those liberated days, when you were of a size, where your rambunctious games would go unnoticed.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Today was a good day
today i woke up and felt good. "good" capital OOD!!. you know!
spring is here baby, the sun is back and in full effect. HaHaaaa!!
its funny how things are looking up all of a sudden.....
and Im grateful.
check out MR "Ice Cube". doing his thing ...
one my favourite rappers of all time.. Didnt you know!?
Im feeling pretty good as far as human beings go..
Monday, 16 March 2009
True life is long
.......Confucius says.
The largest stones
The teacher placed a large glass jar on the table.
Then out of a bag he took ten stones, each the size of an orange, and began placing them, one by one, in the jar.
When the jar was filled to the brim with stones, he asked his students:
‘Is it full?’
They all agreed that it was. The teacher, however, took some gravel from another bag and by jiggling the large stones around inside the jar, managed to fit in quite a lot of gravel.
‘Is it full now?’
The students said, yes, this time it was definitely full. At that point, the teacher opened a third bag, this time full of fine sand, and he began to pour it into the jar. The sand filled up any empty spaces between the large stones and the gravel, right up to the top.
‘Right,’ said the teacher. ‘Now the jar is full. What do you think I’ve been trying to demonstrate to you?’
‘That it doesn’t matter how busy you are, there’s always room to fit in something else,’ said one student.
‘Not at all. What this little demonstration shows us is that we have to put the large stones in first because, afterwards, they won’t fit.
Now what are the important things in our lives? What are the plans we postpone, the adventures we never have, the loves we fail to fight for? Ask which are the large, solid stones that keep God’s flame alive in you and put them into your jar of decisions now, because very soon there will be no room for them.’
Sunday, 15 March 2009
WOW in Colour (but can u drink it?)
Lighting bag is a fluorescent lamp in the form of a tea bag designed by Wonsik Chae.
Lighting Bag by Wonsik Chae from Takashi Yamada on Vimeo.
You look good in FAT
A friend of mine from way back, doing his thing, Im very impressed by the way his music is sounding, and that's not me being biased, because in the past if its been shit, then Ive told him its been shit.
His music is sick(amazing) with spiritual energy, positivity, truth and experiences
I cant wait to hear more, click here to access his Myspace www.myspace.com/ishenamara
Saturday, 14 March 2009
why do i deserve fulfillment??
(The Alchemist) - Paolo Coelho
Believing in the impossible
excerpt from Paulo Coelho blog
Paolo Coelho:
now and again we hear the following comment;
“I always believe in dreams, I often try to combat injustice, but I always end up disappointed.”
A warrior of light knows that certain impossible battles are worth fighting and so is not afraid of being disappointed, knowing as he does the power of his sword and the force of his love. He vehemently rejects those who are unable to take decisions and are always trying to pass on to others the responsibility for all the bad that happens in the world.
If he does not fight against what is wrong – even if it seems beyond his strength – he will never find the right way.
Friday, 13 March 2009
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Those Moments
adj. Possessing the power to CHARM or ALLURE; CAPTIVATING.
Long Portrait: Joshua Ellis from Clayton Cubitt on Vimeo.
Momento 1/8/04 from Clayton Cubitt on Vimeo.
Long Portrait: Lambchop from Clayton Cubitt on Vimeo.
Momento 2/17/09 from Clayton Cubitt on Vimeo.
photographer Clayton Cubitt.
This is the first photographer that i can say i admire. i feel he doesn't take pictures but instead makes studies . i feel him observing through his lens, through video and still image.
check out more Clayton Cubitt
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Crazy Japanese Sub-culture
this is one of my favorite songs at the moment......
......if you got problems, why don't you go solve um?
Monday, 9 March 2009
Its for these moments we live!
I was listening to this album and when this track came on it reminded me of this video, which appeared online around the time of the albums release: Lupe Fiasco "The Cool"..
i just wanted to share it with you all...FOR THESE MOMENTS WE LIVE.
and its funny, because to obtain these moments it aint easy, and these moments dont last long. But all that matters is realizing THESE MOMENTS DO EXIST, and that life is nothing without them, life is nothing without reaching....
Hayao Miyazaki is BACK / aaaah Its just TOO cute, aint it!?
Ponyo on the cliff by the sea
A young baby fish girl pursues her dream to become a human girl, on her journey to achieve her dream she befriends a 5 year old human boy SÅsuke (who she probably falls in love with, dirty little fish).
Directed by Hayao Miyazaki co-founder of studio Ghibli, the anime power house, and creators of the animated masterpieces "Spirited away", "Princess Mononoke" to name only two out of a collection of Loads.
This post is dedicated to Artys Eunie. She absolutely loves fish people, mutant, hybrid stories. gotta love her.
Saturday, 7 March 2009
More super Hues
KANYE WEST "Welcome To Heartbreak" Directed by Nabil from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.
Visually, i don't know. i really don't know what to say. this is guy is too much.... there is never a ceasing moment in his ability to amaze. whether it be music, fashion, videos, live shows, they way he say's what he truly feels and the way he words the way he truly feels (that's not to say i agree with everything he says, but i do agree with his passion for the "F$%k IT!!" I'm doing what i wanna do mentality)....OK, OK let me stop, until next time.
despite the glitches, hope you enjoy...
Friday, 6 March 2009
Yes, Supercolorful
SCINTILLATION from Xavier Chassaing on Vimeo.
Most amazing thing Ive seen in a while
TURN THE VOLUME UP when you listen..This is super deep space sexy.
you can almost taste the visuals baby..
Directed by Xavier Chassaing this is an experimental film made up of over 35,000 photographs. It combines an innovative mix of stop motion and live projection mapping techniques.
This is how it begins
This happened yesterday ( the viewing of her blog not the making of a new friend part).
and until now i havnt posted anything.. reason being because i have no idea what to post...
ive always wanted to start my own blog, but never have, fearing it would be as boring as me, but i shouldn't let an empty nothing of a reason like that, get in the way of what i wanna do , rite?..plus there are plenty of people out there who have unfthomomable shitty, shit blogs, that are full of shit, SO F$%K it here it goes.
one of the main reasons for me putting off starting my blog was; i didnt know how real, candid, intimate, deep, personal, or TRUE TO ME i wanted my writting of this blog to be,.... so heres the good news, ive decided its gonna be me, and more me, and as me as possibly me can be...
....so once more "F$%K it here it goes"