Monday, 14 December 2009
Monday, 7 December 2009
Friday, 4 December 2009
Friday, 27 November 2009
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Friday, 13 November 2009
The Tenderloin Project x Black Scale
The Tenderloin Project x Black Scale from Sean Desmond on Vimeo.
The Tenderloin Project is an ongoing artistic endeavor focused on one of San Francisco’s most marginalized neighborhoods, The Tenderloin. Utilizing the interactive mediums of photography and film, we aim to capture a compelling and honest portrait of this diverse community.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Friday, 30 October 2009
Skhizein (Jérémy Clapin,2008) from Stephen Dedalus on Vimeo.
Having been struck by a 150-ton meteorite, Henry has to adapt to living precisely ninety-one centimeters from himself.”
This multi award winning short film was written, directed and animated by Jérémy Clapin.
Snow, ice, crystal balls and Global warming.
The piece is inspired by a series of photographs by greenlandic artist Arqaluarta Rosing. The series is called ‘Kassoq’ (Blue Ice) and it’s a portrait of the nordic frozen landscape. It’s impressive to see the different shapes and formation of ice: at time poignant and angular almost like futuristic architecture, other times round and shapeless like an organic matter.
The piece is a poetic reflection upon the issue of climate change and a metaphor of the transformations affecting the Arctic landscape.
The poles are the regions where climate change is and will be most rapid and visible. The effects of global warming on fauna and flora are particularly pronounced in the Arctic where the temperature has risen by more than 3°C over the past 50 years and they’re projecting it could go up another 7 degrees over the next 100 years.
This video takes inspiration by the fascinating realm of ice and the transformation affecting the arctic territories. Vladislav Delay’s track Toive evoke an environment where gentle yet dynamic transformations are taking place. The progressive repetitions generate a sense of restlessness, tension, and this video intends to visualize this idea.
The video was shot in camera on a set, using live projections and incorporating time lapse photography. _Carolina Melis
Vladislav Delay - Toive from Leaf Label on Vimeo.
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Friday, 16 October 2009
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Friday, 7 August 2009
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Monday, 6 July 2009
Khalil Gibran / Marriage
“You were born together,
and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when the white wings
of death scatter your days.
Aye, you shall be together even in the
silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another, but make not a bond of love.
Let it rather be a moving sea between
the shores of your souls.
And stand together, yet not too near together.
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress
grow not in each other’s shadow.”
Friday, 3 July 2009
Friday, 26 June 2009
from this day on i will trust NO Animators of any kind around my kids(well when i have kids that is), if this is the kind of perversions theirs minds produce.
But saying that its quite a cute animation aint it
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Monday, 22 June 2009
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Gobelins Animated shorts

After the Rain click here to watch
A child fishing in a puddle using bananas as bait catches a bigger fish than he can handle and flees with the giant fish in pursuit.

Jurannessic click here to watch
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Princess and the Frog Disney
Long Portrait: Graciella Longoria
Long Portrait: Graciella Longoria from Clayton Cubitt on Vimeo.Long portrait of Graciella Longoria, on the first anniversary of her father's death in a car accident. Photographed on my terrace, Brooklyn. June 2009
This is beautiful. Now tell me who cant relate??
Plus I think shes really good looking, she dosnt look odd to me at all like I find allot of albino people to look....I love this shit.....keep um coming Cubitt
source here
Monday, 15 June 2009
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Momento 5/15/09
Momento 5/15/09 from Clayton Cubitt on Vimeo.
by Clayton Cubitt
What ever old man, bye old man
A girl meets his gaze and enters the void - points and says:
'look at that squirrel, AAaaaw its so cute!' She was accustom to the mans smell, and his face.
'Squirrels have no place on this earth' The man said avoiding the girls hovering finger...
'I thought you like squirrels'
'Hmph!...' The man shrugged.
'What do you mean hmph old man! last time you were feeding him, and with a smile on your face while you did it', The man could see she was irritated 'and you told me to be careful not to frighten him away'.
He sighed
'Well?' She waited for a response
'Squirrels don't know love', was the mans response
'........' he responded with nothing this time
'I said huh!?' After she yelled her mouth hung open, making a face confused.
Looking into her eyes, with his own glazed, he explained himself;
'They look cute, yeah they do, but only to take from you the little that you have. expecting everything they'll come close, pretending to be your friends. once they've had their full, their off, they only allow enough space to take from you, but they never come close enough for you to touch them. they take though they're afraid'
Though the girls hand was empty she bent low and stretched mimicking an offering to the squirrel. the squirrel bounced towards her, with its tail curling as cute as can be. when it realized the trick it bounced closer then stood on two legs, and with smooth flicks of its tail demanded food.
The man flinched and drooped Stella, the can hit the ground and rolled in a semi circle wasting itself on the concrete. scared of being beat down by the can the squirrel retreated into the green of the grass.
'Whats the matter with you, w, why, whats scaring you?' the girl was obviously confused
' Do you not feel fear when in the presence of the absence of love'
The mans tone was different now, he invoked the presence of those who watch, he inspired a respect the girl never felt for him before.
'But its only a squirrel' The girl said with her own tone now calm. She then mustered up the courage to say
'You always change old man.. You always change what you say and do, your always contradicting yourself'.
The man eased up a little from his position and spoke with glaze now missing from his eyes.
' Why..?' he paused ' why be stubborn...? why be stubborn?' he repeated himself but this time as if speaking to himself. Then came another paused 'I might believe I'm a fish but why should i continue to behave like I'm a fish when i realize other wise' He relaxed back again, looked up, and stared beyond the clouds. After tens seconds he spoke
'You haven't known me for long, but before you knew me, i had less, i had no place, but now i have a home, a home to me alone. A space that no one enters unless i invite, a space that people respect is mine.'
The girl who was slouched low was now sitting on the dust of the concrete with her legs crossed, absorbing what he was saying but unsure what to do with it.
The man continued 'What I do, and what I say, is only a result what I believe now...and nothing more'
The girl wondered if he was finished
I was once that way, now I am this way. Pride can hinder change, and change is everything'
The girl didn't understand.
Then she did understand.
But she couldn't say 'I understand'.
Instead, she rose turned the other way, started to walk and said,' what ever old man, bye old man'...
published by me
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Friday, 12 June 2009
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Monday, 25 May 2009

The first two of twelve weekly episodes of my Adam Strange story for Wednesday Comics, debuting July 2009 from DC Comics. Coloring by Jose Villarrubia.
This dude is 1 of my fav illustrators
VIIA: pulphope
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Momento 5/23/09 by Clayton Cubitt
Momento 5/23/09 from Clayton Cubitt on Vimeo.
KT walks through the house at sunset, after returning from three weeks of caring for her dying mother.
Source: vimeo
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Friday, 22 May 2009
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
First of all you have to show your eyes
AN excerpt from the short story "The importance of looking" -Paulo Coelho
The Necessary MAN
So as soon as he wakes up e has a whole set of tasks to do: watch the news on the television (something may have happened during the night), read the newspaper (something may have happened yesterday), ask his wife not to let the children be late for school, get the car, a taxi, a bus, the subway, but always concentrated, looking into the vacuum, consulting his watch, if possible making a few calls on his cell phone – and making sure that everyone sees that he is an important man, a man useful to the world.
Manuel arrives at work and starts to pore over the pile of paper that awaits him. If he is an employee, he does everything possible for the boss to notice that he arrived on time. If he is the boss, he sets them all to work right away; if there are no important tasks to do, Manuel will see to developing some, creating some, implementing a new plan, establishing new lines of action.
Manuel goes to lunch – but never alone. If he is the boss, he sits down with his friends, discusses new strategies, speaks badly of the competitors, always keeps a card hidden up his sleeve, complains (with a touch of pride) about being overworked. If Manuel is an employee, he also sits down with his friends, complains about the boss, says he is working a lot of overtime, claims in despair (and with a touch of pride) that so much at the firm depends on him.
Manuel – boss or employee – works the whole afternoon. From time to time he looks at his watch, it’s time to go home but he still has a detail to solve here, a document to sign there. He is an honest man; he wants to justify his salary, what others expect of him, the dreams of his parents who went to such great pains to give him the necessary education.
Finally he returns home. He takes a shower, gets into some comfortable clothes and sits down to have dinner with his family. He asks the children about school, his wife how she spent the day. Now and again he talks about his work, just to serve as an example – because he does not like to bring worries home. Dinner over, the children – who are not the least bit interested in examples, duties or any such things – immediately leave the table and go to sit in front of the computer. Manuel too goes to sit down in front of that old apparatus from his childhood called the television. Again he watches the news (something may have happened in the afternoon).
He always goes to bed with some technical book on the bedside table – whether boss or employee, he knows that the competition is great and that if you do not keep up, you run the risk of losing your job and then have to face the worst of all curses: unemployment.
He talks to his wife for a while – after all, he is a gentle, hardworking and loving man who cares for his family and is ready to defend it in any circumstances. Sleep comes soon and Manuel falls asleep knowing that the next day he will be very busy, so he needs to recoup his energies.
That night Manuel has a dream. An angel asks him: “Who do you do this?” He replies that he is a responsible man.
The angel then asks: “Would you be able to stop just for fifteen minutes during the day and look at the world, at yourself, and just do nothing?” Manuel says that he would love to, but he does not have the time for that. “You’re trying to fool me,” says the angel. “Everybody has the time for that, what they lack is courage. Work is a blessing when it helps us to think about what we are doing. But is becomes a curse when its only use is to prevent us from thinking about what our life means.”
Manuel wakes up in the middle of the night, covered in a cold sweat. Courage? How can a man who sacrifices himself for his family not have the courage to stop for fifteen minutes?
Best to go back to sleep, it’s only a dream, such questions lead nowhere, and tomorrow is going to be a very busy day.
-Paulo Coelho
Monday, 11 May 2009
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Green Pink Caviar
Pencil X Mag covers

Source: JPT Covers
check out more at source
GAY = SIN from Matthew Brown on Vimeo.
VIA: dropular
This video touched me a little bit.
i remember a conversation i once had with friend about Homosexuality. At the time my argument was that i thought it was wrong because it goes against what is natural to humans which is to reproduce, but i had no hate towards those who were gay. i remember my friend saying 'gays have been apart of the human race since forever, so how how can it be wrong, or bad, or a sin'. I replied 'so has murder'....This conversation was around 3 years ago i was 19 at the time. Today i see things more in Grey, and tend not to necessarily put things and behavior into white and black boxes of rite and wrong. But what i have learnt is that we all have our own ways, desire's, and attitudes, and there aren't enough rules in the world to constrain them....
There are some things that even my closest friends get up to that i don't agree with. As humans we share likes and dislikes, but sometimes we don't. There are no rules to say we should all be the same..............Its interesting that it seems allot of the time to be our motivation within society- to persuade others into our own ways of thinking.
via: Dropular
Forgotten Places from →Zac Boyet← on Vimeo.
This is a project I have wanted to do for a long time. There is something about abandoned places that that is very intriguing. A place that was once a centerpiece in a few people's lives is now all but forgotten.
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Friday, 8 May 2009
Death As Art And Vanity
via: the daily Siege
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Zero Feedback Experiments: Suzana Beautiful arkwardness
So what happens when a model is faced with total silence? What if you just tell her to "model", and then deprive her of the resulting flow of feedback? Just a silent audience, no heartbeat, no pulse.
Beautiful awkwardness. -Clayton James Cubitt
source: The daily Siege
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
EMBED-World's Worst Street Fight - Watch more free videos
look at him, look at him walking away like he think he cool or something. like all dat, he's a funny dude HA
How to get up, eat breakfast and get ready for work in 5 minutes...FUNNY AS HELL
Quinten Tarantino Mixtape
Eclectic Method - The Tarantino Mixtape from Eclectic Method on Vimeo.
Face Dance
VIA : Daito

9/11 Suicide Photograph - They began jumping not long after the first plane hit the North Tower, not long after the fire started. They kept jumping until the tower fell. They jumped through windows already broken and then, later, through windows they broke themselves. They jumped to escape the smoke and the fire; they jumped when the ceilings fell and the floors collapsed; they jumped just to breathe once more before they died. They jumped continually, from all four sides of the building, and from all floors above and around the building’s fatal wound. They jumped from the offices of Marsh & McLennan, the insurance company; from the offices of Cantor Fitzgerald, the bond-trading company; from Windows on the World, the restaurant on the 106th and 107th floors — the top. For more than an hour and a half, they streamed from the building, one after another, consecutively rather than en masse, as if each individual required the sight of another individual jumping before mustering the courage to jump himself or herself. One photograph, taken at a distance, shows people jumping in perfect sequence, like parachutists, forming an arc composed of three plummeting people, evenly spaced. Indeed, there were reports that some tried parachuting, before the force generated by their fall ripped the drapes, the tablecloths, the desperately gathered fabric, from their hands. They were all, obviously, very much alive on their way down, and their way down lasted an approximate count of ten seconds. They were all, obviously, not just killed when they landed but destroyed, in body though not, one prays, in soul. One hit a fireman on the ground and killed him; the fireman’s body was anointed by Father Mychal Judge, whose own death, shortly thereafter, was embraced as an example of martyrdom after the photograph — the redemptive tableau — of firefighters carrying his body from the rubble made its way around the world.
VIA : youmightfindyourself